
A global leader

For more than 20 years sustainability has been a foundational aspect of UBC’s campus operations, research, teaching, and student engagement. These efforts are reflected in high international rankings for environmental impact. Today UBC is working towards an accelerated short-term GHG emissions reduction target of 85% by 2030, a commitment made in our 2021 Climate Action Plan.

From venues and accommodations built to LEED standards, campus-wide multi-stream recycling network, reductions in single use plastics in our accommodations and meeting venues, and climate-friendly menus and food waste reduction efforts in our catering operations, UBC’s Conferences & Accommodations team has the operations and expertise to help you organize a sustainable event.

Key highlights

  • 53% waste diverse rate through recycling and composting on campus
  • 142K+ mini single use plastic amenity bottles saved each year in our accommodations
  • Thousands of pages of paper saved through replacing hotel suite info binders with a virtual digital assistant
  • Fair Trade products, Oceanwise seafood, and UBC Farm-sourced ingredients used by our campus catering team

UBC sustainability statistics


GHG reduction as of 2020, despite 21% increase in floor space and 30% increase in student population


LEED or REAP certified campus buildings with more in the application stage


reduction in Building Operations’ fleet vehicle emissions from switching to electric


in GHG emissions reductions for building heating from new Campus Energy Centre